Monday, December 29, 2003


yesterday was quite a day. Can't go into any specifics yet cause I don't know all the details, but if yesterday was a movie, it would be called "News."

Found out my family in Panama may have a stroke of luck business-wise and I'm hoping everything turns out well. They have been going through a rough period (for a few years) and if all goes well, they will be doing much better. That was such a relief to hear and I'll be praying for them (feel free to add yours!)

The other bit of news I got wasn't as welcome or joyous. My DxH has decided to go work overseas and will be leaving shortly. His decision. The boys are taking it all in stride, as he has done this before. He was gone about 1-1/2 years about 3-4 years ago. I guess I should see the "bright" side of all this, that I will have more weekends to spend with them, but ... anyway. He had hinted about it a ways back and even had the company hiring him call me as a reference. (I was a bit miffed about that, but answered their questions as honestly as I could.) Now, it looks like he's really going to accept this job. Old faithful that I am, I'll be driving him to the airport when he goes. Joyce, I'm probably going to be talking your ear off; you know where to find me!

Anyway, please keep my family (all branches) in your prayers??