Monday, November 01, 2004


This is from my mail this morning

A Call to Prayer 2004

Many of you are concerned about our nation and the upcoming election.
In keeping with 2 Chronicles 7:14, this is a call to prayer and fasting
for our nation.

On Monday, November 1, 2004 will you pray and fast concerning this
election. Our nation is under attack. Not only is Satan putting it in
the hearts of foreign enemies to attack, but many enemies from within would
destroy all mention of God and His word. Please pray for our president,
our nation, and our world. Please pray that God will give us a Godly man
to serve for the next four years. Please pray against Satan and those who
would use this election as a means to serve the cause of Satan.

Below is an outline designed to help give focus as we pray and also
help us be united and enable us to agree in prayer as one body. For it is
written: .. if two of you agree on earth concerning anything that they ask, it
will be done for them by My Father in heaven. Matthew 18:19

Isaiah 58 explains the type of fast that pleases God:

1. Pray for our president that no weapon formed against him will prosper.

Isaiah 55:17

2. Pray that God will forgive the sins of our nation and will have mercy
on us and our nation. Isaiah 54:10 and Psalm 130:7

3. Pray that the Lord will deliver us from evil. Matthew 6:13

4. Pray that the Lord will once more bless us and give to us a leader who
serves God with his whole heart and a leader who seeks the face of God
before making decisions for our country. Psalm 33:12

5. Pray that the Lord will lay it on the hearts of his people to become a
part of this election and cast a vote for the man who names the name of
Christ and who prays daily for the nation. Please remember that the Bible
shows us that when a nation serves God and pleases Him, He blesses that
nation with a Godly man to lead. Blessed is the nation whose God is the
Lord. Psalm 33:12

Once you have read the request, please send it to more Christians.