Monday, January 12, 2004


Yes, it's past my bedtime, but I can't sleep even though I am tired and my eyes are all gritty (isn't it "dangerous" to blog in this state of mind?). I should knit or something, but I have been surfing. I came across some Iraqi blogs and followed a chain of links. Interesting reads. It was good to hear the Iraqi perspective (ok, at least the positive ones.) I wonder if that is what the majority of them feel. Reading and seeing the pictures remind me yet again (like I need to be reminded, right?) how blessed we are to live in this country.

On another note, what is *UP* with the comments? At least I have my tagboard and I added a little message board to the bottom yesterday or the day before....feel free to say "hi"

:: off to drink some warm milk and see if I can get to sleep, as I have to be up at 5 AM ::