Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Ok, so I'm easily amused.


I'm off from work today. Exhibit B has his guild performance. He should do well. Another year of piano lessons done! Whew! Hopefully, over the summer, I can find a real piano (my son is still using his keyboard to practice on.) Hmm did I tell you the tale of the piano still sitting in my livingroom? Seems we got a dud, a real lemon, the mother of all junked pianos. (Well, that's what the repairman said, but he still offered to take it off our hands and sell me one of his.) But I digress. Luckily, I got this piano for next to nothing and picked it up with the help of friends (I could have spent a lot to have it transported.) Typical me, trying to see the bright side. Anyway, now I have to start over at point A and keep looking.

Got my paperwork Fed-X'd to my new company. That was such a relief. Now I wait...

If you are praying about the abortion mill, keep praying..seems the neighbors where this place is about to move into are NOT HAPPY about it and are fired up to prevent it. Some good news, so... keep praying!!!!