Saturday, September 04, 2004

Saturday random thoughts

Missing the kids and had time to kill, so I walked through Sears today (yeah I said I'd never go there again, oh well) to exchange some jeans I bought the other day that were too small (sounds better than saying I'm too big.) I'm finally starting to see NORMAL clothes in the stores. I mentioned it to my friend and she agreed.. she's noticed it too.

While I was in Sears the other day buying the jeans, there was a toddler screeching uncontrollably. On hearing her, two ladies in line behind me laughed about how glad their kids were back in school. I thought, "How sad." Shoulda said so, but I didn't.

My kids come back tomorrow. I miss 'em. Since they have been gone, I have planted a couple plants in the yard, did a little house cleaning, took a lot of naps, and oh yeah.. worked.

We were going to start school on the 13th, but since they are coming home tomorrow, I think we'll go ahead and start school on the 6th. Won't they be pleased? We may as well. We have all the books they need and all. I was going to wait until their dad left, but I guess he has stuff to do before he goes, so he's gonna bring them home early. I'm a little surprised, cause I thought he'd be spending more time with them.

How about that bounce? I feel so much better about this election. I know polls are just polls and it's not over till its over, but.... Wow.

I've also spent some time just randomly picking a blog, reading over it, then randomly picking a link on that blog and following the chain. It's funny how many of them all link to each other or how way down the chain, I'll see lots of links to blogs on my sidebar. Saw Kimmotion on a few. Dave Barry seems to be listed on lots of them, too.

Did I mention that I miss my kids?