Monday, November 01, 2004

Tomorrow's the day..

...and you know what? I'm ready for it to all be over. I'm tired of hearing about all the fraud, the dirty tricks, and the higher number of registered voters in certain cities than the population there. It is scary.

If Bush wins, I'll be very relieved. If Kerry wins, well..I'll accept it and get on with my life. I think what my friend says is true. "If Kerry wins, maybe that is what this country collectively deserves and it may bring about a real renewal." Smart lady.

Anyway, tomorrow, I'll go on and work as usual, teach the kids as usual, and try very hard to not obsess over this. Knowing me..that won't be easy.

I heard today about the threat Bin Laden made about attacking those states that vote for Bush, versus the peace offering perceived by the states that vote for Kerry. Absolutely appalling. My hope is that the American spirit will come forward and stand up to his threats. My fear is that those who are undecided will give in to Bin Laden and his threats. I fear for our country, but have to have faith that everything will be a part of God's plan. That said, if you haven't voted yet, I'll hope that you vote your conscience tomorrow and that as the Summas said (Mama T, please excuse the blatant lifting of the picture),

"Never forget."

Wednesday, I'll clean off my sidebar and start fresh. If you still want a link, lemme know.