Wednesday, January 26, 2005


It seems I am no longer a rodent (scroll down to the bottom left if you are wondering "*WHAT* is she talking about?"). No, folks, I now am :: drumroll:::.... a flappy bird :)

Now that I've shared that with you, I guess I have to explain my absence for so long. Let's see.. I've been having to crack the whip with two certain teen boys who are really taking advantage of the fact that my "career" is, um..shall we say.. rocky. I really am not happy with this company. I know I have it good getting to work from home, but really..and I knew I'd probably feel this way.. I want things back the way they were. I keep waiting for the other shoe to drop, but deep down..? I don't think this is going to work. Just yesterday, I was talking to my monitor, much to the amusement of the boys, "I hate this job, I hate this job, I hate this job." Not a good example of bearing my cross, eh?

That said, I'm working on plan B. I've taken out an ad that has caused further headaches. I had included a wonderful, eye-catching picture in the ad that somehow never made it in and I keep getting the runaround. (sigh) Hopefully, this weekend the ad will finally be done right; if it isn't, they'll be hearing from me again to cancel.

What was I thinking? Can I really do this? Do I really want to do this? Yes, I do, but something has to give. Lately, I think it's my sanity LOL.

In the midst of this, the exhibits have finally started to buckle down. I hope it lasts.

Pray for us.