Thursday, January 01, 2004

Happy New Year!!!!

We spent a quiet evening at home and brought in the New Year with sparkling cider. May 2004 be a better year than 2003. I've made a few resolutions (don't I always), so ...lucky you.. I'll share them with you!

1. To quit leaving the house looking like a hairball. Years ago, I "couldn't" leave the house if a hair was out of place. The pendulum has swung far the other way and I really need to quit "not caring." I am not talking about looking like a model; A little extra hair spray and a little makeup wouldn't hurt.

2. To try to be more organized. Most of my frustrations stem from my own lack of organization. This includes scheduling my time better.

3. To do more bulk cooking. Okay, maybe not the once a month stuff, but I can make at least a few meals with my crockpot and freeze some of them for those days that I "don't feel like cooking" (yeah.. I *never* have those days LOL)

4. To push the kids harder in their school. They've been slacking a bit and I've enabled it.

5. Of course, last, but not least, to pray more. I can only achieve these and my other unwritten resolutions with His help.