Wednesday, February 11, 2004

Quiz time

... and now I bring you this quiz courtesy of Joyce who got it from Alaska, who got it from Cheryl ...

Home Mommy Poll!

Do you have "big" hair? Only when I first wake up.

Do you dye your hair? (Be honest!) I honestly never have.

If so, when will you stop doing either of those above? waking up with big hair? uh... if I shave my head? :)

Do you ever do your nails? I used to. Now I just trim them short.

Have you ever had a professional pedicure? No.

Nose piercing: Icky or beautiful? I don't really like them. Usually they are accompanied by a ring on the eyebrows. Ick.

Tongue? I cannot stress how barbaric this is..just imagine how many germs are running around in there. From a hygiene standpoint alone... this is so GROSS!

Make up or natural? All my makeup is in my drawer. I never have time to wear it anymore. The few times I have lately, the kids stared at me with cocked heads and squinted eyes, wondering who I was :)