Sunday, September 26, 2004

Sunday morning

They were predicting rain this weekend, as the remnants of Ivan hit Texas, but I just opened the front door and it is a gorgeous morning!

The boys got back from camping last night. It did rain a bit out there, but it was more of a mist than anything else. They had a blast camping. My friend and I managed to hike out to my favorite spot when I dropped them off. The waterfall was back (they had been draining the "lake" for renovations, and it was all dried up.) It was breathtaking as ever. We stood there in awe of it for a while, and I got some great pictures.

I stayed up late last night scrapbooking. So many memories. I've had boxes of pictures forever and stashes of paper/stickers/embellishments that I would use when "I get around to it." Later, I was telling the boys, "Remember this?" or "Look at this one." This was met with the usual eye-rolling. They are such teenagers.

So this morning..we go to Mass and then I will sit down and figure what I am going to do with myself this next week with my newly-found temporary freedom :)