Friday, July 02, 2004

news and 'toons.

a friend just sent this to me.

Here's a snip:

..."Los Angeles, Jul. 01 ( - A Los Angeles lay canon lawyer and assistant judge in the archdiocesan tribunal has initiated a heresy case against Democratic presidential candidate John Kerry. Marc Balestrieri, 33, filed the "denunciation" with the Archdiocese of Boston on June 14, and posted the 18-page complaint to his web site at Kerry is a US Senator from Massachusetts. ...."

More 'toons:

Thursday, July 01, 2004


A public service announcement

If you haven't read this yet, please click here to read

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Yes, I'm still here

I've been really busy tying up the loose ends with the kids.. planning for next year..youth group..boy scouts... job.. new job..a million things it seems.

I'll most likely not be blogging much...but I still keep running the rounds and reading your blogs when I get the chance.
