Wednesday, July 14, 2004

the senate vote

A snip from Catholic exchange:

"The Senate's vote today has left the future of marriage in the hands of unelected judges, at least for the time being," said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council. But, he added, the fight is not over. "Pro-family forces have benefited from the debate over the past few days in two ways: One, every time this issue is forced into the public square, the opposition to same-sex 'marriage' among the American public grows. Second, we now know which Senators are for traditional marriage and which ones are not, and by November, so will voters in every state."

...another snip:

Of the 24 Catholics in the Senate, those who voted against the amendment included Joe Biden, D-Delaware; John Breaux, D-Louisiana; Maria Cantwell, D-Washington; Susan Collins, R-Maine; Tom Daschle, D-South Dakota; Christopher Dodd, D-Connecticut; Richard Durbin, D-Illinois; Tom Harkin, D-Idaho; Ted Kennedy, D-Massachusetts; Mary Landrieu, D-Louisiana; Patrick Leahy, D-Vermont; Barbara Mikulski, D-Maryland; Patty Murray, D-Washington, Jack Reed, D-Rhode Island; and John Sununu, R-New Hampshire.


I've been so busy lately with the kids and work. Add to that the fact that I am finally trying to get this photography business off the ground. (This is my plan B if my transcribing job doesn't pan out, as I have been stressed out with this new company and I hope they make it smoother for us soon.) I've been offering "freebies" pictures to my friends as practice. I also had a booth at a local 4th celebration. Didn't do very much, but it was a learning experience and not bad for my first venture.

I still am visiting my old co-worker in the nursing home. I haven't mentioned her in forever, but still go about every week. I really think she is getting better. We have "pillow fights" where she will swing her arm around and knock a pillow on the ground, and then do it again as soon as I put it back. It may sound pretty silly and simple, but we both enjoy that. She's still the fun-loving person I remembered. She still has the most beautiful smile and it warms my heart to get her to smile and to laugh.

What else? Oh! Our air conditioner is spazzing out on us and it's been a test of wills getting Sears to come out and fix it. The "Good Life"? pffft. Back to work.. I'll try to write more later.

another cartoon

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

today's 'toon

Monday, July 12, 2004


A popular bar had a new robotic bartender installed.

A fellow came in for a drink and the robot asked him,
"What's your IQ?"

The man replied, "150."

So the robot proceeded to make conversation about
quantum physics, string theory, atomic chemistry, and
so on.

The man listened intently and thought, "This is really cool."

He decided to test the robot. He walked out the bar, turned around, and came back
in for another drink.

Again, the robot asked him, "What's your IQ?"

The man responded, "100."

So the robot started talking about football, baseball, and
so on.

The man thought to himself, "Wow, this is really cool."

The man went out and came back in a third time.

As before, the robot asked him, "What's your IQ?"

The man replied, "50."

The robot then said, "So, are you Democrats really going
to nominate John Kerry?"