Thursday, September 16, 2004

lost in translation

Came across the "Valley Speak" translator thanks to the Summa Mamas. Too funny. It even did the comments :)

My site would be know as:
Pencil In Like, duh! Your Hand

"...How like, you know, about that bounce? Like, I am so sure! I feel so much better like, you know, about this election. I know polls are just polls and it's not over till its over, but.... Wow."


Wednesday, September 15, 2004

pajama blogging?

i think not :)

school revisited

Yes it's 3-something A.M.

The boys were feeling a bit cruddy yesterday. I know I'm next.

I said I was going to post their curriculum, so here goes...

Exhibit A

Intro to the Bible.

Ancient History/Literature
Algebra 2(Saxon)
Chemistry (Wile)
Power Glide Spanish
Artistic Pursuits
SAT prep
and yes...driver's ed

Exhibit B

Chief Truths of the Faith

American History/Literature
Algebra 1/2 (Saxon)
Warriner's Grammar
Earth Science
Powerglide Spanish
Piano(4th year now)

I feel I'm getting ExB off to a smoother start than his brother had, so we'll get a lot more done,but it's good. ExA has already told me where he wants to go to college (ARIZONA??!!) We still have 2 years .. so we'll see.

time for a new keyboard.My spacebar is on its last leg.

Tuesday, September 14, 2004

Email I received today.

Subject: Fwd: Pray for our Pope

His Holiness is specifically requesting that we pray for him in the knowledge that his time among us is limited. Email is such a powerful tool. Please pray an "Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory Be" for Him and forward this to as many people around the world as possible. Pope John Paul made this request again on praying the Angelus before the pilgrims in St. Peter's Square. He says that only through prayer will he be given strength. Let us help the Pope, whose prayers have helped so many of us. With your cooperation, in just a few days, millions of people will have offered their prayers for John Paul II. Thank you! Please forward this to as many people as possible.


Plugging along. Good first day. Will post more later, including all the books we will be using this year.

It's A Texas Thang.

City officials just announced the official Houston 2004 Hurricane Evacuation Plan:

1. Hispanics use I-10 West to San Antonio
2. Cajuns use I-10 East to Lafayette
3. Rednecks use 59 North to East Texas
4. Republicans fly Continental to Washington DC
5. Yankees and Democrats use 45 South to Galveston
6. Longhorns use 290 West to Austin

Last, but not least:

7. Aggies use 610 Loop

Monday, September 13, 2004


not sure what was going on before, but I guess I have to leave this template if I want my posts to show up. I'll redo my sidebar later.(sigh)

Busy day ahead. Pray for us.

Like this one...