Saturday, September 25, 2004


Just added the "Wictory Wednesday" blogroll to my sidebar. So many blogs, so little time.

I'm off work this whole next week and what will I do with all this free time? CLEAN, do yardwork, rearrange furniture, and other stuff around the house. I must be the only one who takes a week off and looks forward to cleaning.

more on Terri Schiavo

Received an email and wanted to post a link to this blog

If the life of every innocent person does not enjoy the full protection of our laws and courts then no man's life is safe from the tyranny of unjust courts like those that have repeatedly provided legal cover for Terri's impending murder as they have once again done today.

Kangaroo courts are killer courts, and their ultimate victim is civilization itself. Defend life! Defend Terri! In doing so, you are defending the noblest ideals of our once great nation.

Friday, September 24, 2004

Pray for Terry

Trying to remain optimistic, but read this news about Terry Schiavo

Comatose? Vegetative? I only know what I read about Terry, but I do know that my friend's parents told me the other day that the doctors still call my friend vegetative and comatose. She most certainly is NOT.

Wednesday, September 22, 2004


I read about this "mock drill." The boys and I have participated in one of these locally. In fact, I believe it was right before 9/11. We should have these. However, get this:

"The exercise will simulate an attack by a fictitious radical group called Wackos Against Schools and Education who believe everyone should be homeschooled. Under the scenario, a bomb is placed on the bus and is detonated while the bus is traveling on Durham, causing the bus to land on its side and fill with smoke."

Can you believe that?