that really "happenin" transitioning thing really started to get on my nerves so :: poof :: it's gone.
my random thoughts
that really "happenin" transitioning thing really started to get on my nerves so :: poof :: it's gone.
Yesterday was an interesting day. It started out slow...Ex. B has owed me a literature assignment for a couple weeks (and that is being generous.) He was to read a book, then discuss it with me and sit down and write for 30 minutes. Not hard, eh? It is when I hear "I thought I did it already and gave it to youuuuuuu." So, I told him, well just sit down and do it again then (I know.. I got up early one morning with the sole purpose of deleting his work. Not all his assignments.. just that one ::winkwinkwink ::) Anyway, he started to write a few days ago, but "couldn't." Plan B? Then *READ* the book again. Great, but he couldn't find the book. (That was his plan C.) Anyway, I found the book a day ago and finally said.. "Today is the day. He will do this or else."
Thanks so much to Peony for helping me fix the sidebar. Still looks good to me, glad it looks okay now to everyone else :)
In the past few weeks, as I have mentioned, I have been entertaining the thought of starting a photography business on the side... of course, to do that, I'd have to get a new camera, as my trusty camera only gives me 1 megapixel on a good day. I've been comparison shopping and have found the camera I want (I've been drooling over it, actually.)